Media Appearances with Author Justin Gesso
Contact Justin Gesso
Media Appearances, Podcasts, and Interviews
About Justin Gesso
#1 international bestselling author Justin Gesso had a good run in corporate America before making the leap to working at the ground-level of multi-million-dollar startups while pursuing other exciting projects, investments, and passions. Thanks to the principles in his book, Justin has been able to…
- Double his six-figure corporate income within 1½ years of leaving the grind.
- Double his net worth within two years of leaving the grind.
- Earn 60% of his income from passive and scalable sources.
- Build a nearly 1-million dollar real estate portfolio.
… all while being in charge of his own time and priorities. Justin spent over a decade refining the principles in Leave the Grind Behind, reading hundreds of books and working with some of the best professional and personal coaches in the world. He has been featured in Lifehack, Big Time Startups, InvestFourMore, Nice Guys on Business, Leadership Master Academy, inPulse, The Huffington Post, and much more. Justin maintains a personal life rich in family, spirit, happiness, health, and community.
“Move over Tim Ferriss, there’s a refreshed approach to unshackling yourself from the grueling busy work of the grind.”
-Matthew Hart | Author and CTO of Arise Virtual Solutions | Amazon Author Page
Listen to samples of Justin’s motivational style.
Check out these podcasts with Nice Guys on Business and InvestFourMore:
Justin Gesso Has Been Featured On:
“This book turns the concept of hitting it big on its head. Instead of writing from the standpoint of one who quickly achieved incredible success and then rode that wave to write a successful book, [Gesso] employed daily and weekly habits, attitudes, and goals to hit it big the everyman’s way: through sheer hard work, determination, and positive approaches. If you’ve grown weary of the traditional “get-rich-quick” books and their inaccessible promises, this is the book for you. It gives you realistic to apply hourly and daily that will help you safely build streams of income [so you can] work less while enjoying a more meaningful life. And the methods in this book will help you be ready for when that big success comes.”
Sample Interview Questions
- What inspired you to want to write this book?
- What makes your path to freedom from a standard job and into a life someone designs for themselves different from any others that are out there?
- What does it mean to be a Cog or a Grinder? How did you know you wanted to stop being a Cog?
- How can a shift in attitude lead someone on the path to being a Grinder?
- What are the five steps to setting Grind-worthy goals? Why are these goals important?
- Who will benefit most from following your advice?
- What sets your book apart from all other motivational and financial growth books on the market today?
“Gesso provides the roadmap that will give your listeners the confidence to leave the grind behind and start a life in which they drive the results; one where they earn money via multiple channels, are in control of their time, do things they enjoy, and leave a legacy that makes them proud.”