
Quiz: Are You a Cog or a Grinder? Baseline your success.

Unfortunately, this quiz has been discontinued! You can still learn about cogs and grinders below, though!

Find out if you have what it takes to leave your standard job behind and begin taking control…making money your way, living life on your terms, building a fortune, and creating a legacy.

The word “grind” carries both positive and negative connotations. It’s a strong, emotional word. The trick is being on the right side of its definition.

Where do you rank on the Cog ↔ Grinder scale?

Quiz – Determine if You are a Cog or a Grinder in 2 Minutes

I’ve talked to many successful Cogs who have done everything right, from going to school to working hard to climb the corporate ladder.

But just as they get where they think they want to be, they realize life is moving fast and they want more: more free time; more money; more satisfaction. They want more than they’ll ever achieve as a Cog.

Learn more…

What’s a Grinder?

Being a Grinder means you work hard for your personal purpose and goals; not for someone else’s. To leave the grind behind, make no mistake, you need to grind. You need to grind hard. You’re just doing it for yourself, and let me tell you—you’ll love it.

As a Grinder, you spend your time building your legacy and your unique imprint on this world.

What’s a Cog?

If you’re “in the grind” as a Cog, that means you’re spending Monday through Friday, 8-5 (or more), working for someone else’s dreams, passions, and riches. Your work realizes someone else’s vision. Your grinding makes someone else millions.

Term “grind” for Cogs means monotony. It means your life is a blur. The weekend is over, back to the grind.

Even if you earn a solid six-figure salary, have a nice house, and are contributing to your 401K, grinding for someone else can leave you feeling empty.

2 thoughts on “Quiz: Are You a Cog or a Grinder? Baseline your success.

  1. I have always been a grinder!! However, I was always grinding for everyone but myself. I know exactly what I want in life. I am going to learn how to get it and more. I am motivated and ready!!

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